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We tell stories of rural and regional women. Latest issue is out now.





Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.


Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.




The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


Life on the land Episodes

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Em’s Pick!
Feb 18, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 7 1HR

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Em’s Pick!

For her pick, Life on the Land co-host Em Herbert has chosen her conversation with Jillian Kilby — a woman who’s not afraid of making big decisions. An engineer and farmer’s daughter from Coonamble, in New South Wales’ Central West, Jillian has leant on her rural values throughout her career.

Over the years, she’s bounced from Sydney to Walgett, and from to Silicon Valley back to the Central West. It takes guts to blow up your life and Jillian has done it not once but twice.

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Claire’s Pick!
Feb 13, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 6 49 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Claire’s Pick!

For her Summer Series pick, Graziher founder Claire Dunne has chosen Sammie O’Brien’s conversation with Fiona Simson.

Fiona has orchestrated remarkable changes in the agricultural sector. She was the first female president of the National Farmers’ Federation and showed incredible passion and grace during her tenure. Originally from a property outside Armadale, New South Wales, Fiona met her husband Ed in Sydney and the two settled on his farm near Gunnedah, New South Wales. Her grounded and affable nature makes Fiona a natural leader and she’s an inspiration for many young women who aspire to senior roles in the sector.

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Victoria’s Pick!
Feb 6, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 5 49 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Victoria’s Pick!

For this episode, Graziher‘s editor Victoria Carey has dug into the archives and chosen our chat with Maya Linnell. The bestselling rural romance (or “RuRo”) author has an amazing story to tell, from a startling introduction to journalism to realising her aspirations as a novelist at nearly 40 years old. In this episode, Maya takes us through her process for writing a novel, which includes baking, tending roses and embracing a rural lifestyle.

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Jayne’s Pick!
Jan 30, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 4 37 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Jayne’s Pick!

Graziher‘s podcast producer, Jayne Cuddihy, believes the way people tell their stories is often as fascinating as the events themselves. For her, the words of Western Australian artist Lori Pensini have lingered ever since the episode first aired a couple of seasons ago.

In this episode, Lori talks about the generous English aunt who sent art materials in trunks to a remote station in the Kimberly. She discusses experimenting with different materials and dealing with critters tramping over wet paint in the night. And then, of course, she talks grazing and regenerative practices. It’s an entertaining listen!

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Sammie’s Pick!
Jan 30, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 3 41 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Sammie’s Pick!

We’ll be highlighting some amazing Australian authors in this summer series, and it just so happens that Life on the Land podcast host Sammie O’Brien’s favourite interview of 2024 was with acclaimed children’s author Alison Lester.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading Magic Beach or My Farm to a young person in your life, then you are missing out. But it’s Alison’s long-term work with Indigenous communities that most surprised and delighted Sammie in this conversation.

Originally from a picturesque property in Victoria’s South Gippsland region, Alison now resides in Nar Nar Goon North, about an hour out of Melbourne, in West Gippsland. She lives with her husband and their horses on four glorious hectares.

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Amie’s Pick!
Jan 23, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 2 57 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land — Amie’s Pick!

It’s summertime! And that means members of the Graziher team are picking their favourite episodes to re-share with you.

This week it’s Amie’s pick. Amie is one of the digital producers here at Graziher and she’s dug deep into the archives and selected Em Herbert’s original conversation with Tracey Hayes, recorded three years ago.

This episode resonated with Amie for many reasons: there’s Tracey’s extreme resilience, intelligence and tenacity, but also the way she articulates her amazing story, which includes everything from devastating grief to taking on the Federal Government as the first female CEO of the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association.

Summer Series: Life on the Land with Clare Fletcher
Jan 23, 2025 SEASON 18 EPISODE 1 53 MIN

Summer Series: Life on the Land with Clare Fletcher

Em Herbert chats with Clare Fletcher, the author of Five Bush Weddings and Love Match. Clare grew up in Queensland’s St George and while she’s based in the big smoke now, her books circle around one main theme – the Australian bush.

Clare’s journey from journalism studies to romantic comedy author is an interesting one. She talks to Em about her battle with procrastination and perfectionism, what to do about that inner critic and her reading recommendations for this summer.

Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Lucy Campbell
Nov 26, 2024 SEASON 17 EPISODE 8 34 MIN

Life on the Land with Lucy Campbell

Lucy Campbell talks to host Em Herbert about boosting literacy in the bush. According to the Grattan Institute, kids with a non-English-speaking background have twice the chance of meeting grade-level expectations for reading than regional and remote children.

A mum of two, Lucy straddles two worlds: there’s her city-based corporate job, plus life and work on the northwest New South Wales farm that she shares with her husband, Tom. Lucy is passionate about giving kids a fighting chance on the reading front. With her business partner, Anna O’Connor, she’s launched a card game to help get children reading-ready before school hiding the learning in fun (like hiding veggies in Bolognese!).

Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Melissa Neilsen
Nov 20, 2024 SEASON 17 EPISODE 7 40 MIN

Life on the Land with Melissa Neilsen

Melissa Neilsen is a remarkable woman whose journey has taken her from the small Central Queensland town of Biloela to the expansive plains of North Western Queensland. Raised on a hobby farm, she now lives on more than 24,000 hectares with her husband, Stewart, and their three children, and farms Brahman beef cattle.⁠

⁠Melissa is a mother, wife and the driving force behind Rural Women’s Exercise, an online group that focuses on postpartum recovery. She founded the group after experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction following the birth of her third child.⁠

⁠Melissa is also navigating the complex and often overwhelming journey of securing resources, education and support for her second child, who has autism and ADHD.⁠

⁠Through it all, she remains a fierce advocate for rural women, mothers and families that face unique obstacles at home and in the broader community.⁠

Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Chanel Bowen
Nov 19, 2024 SEASON 17 EPISODE 6 53 MIN

Life on the Land with Chanel Bowen

Chanel Bowen is a producer and filmmaker based in Western Australia. The 31-year-old was awarded a Hollywood internship and and has worked on films such as Mystery Road and High Ground, all while living and travelling from her home outside Dunsborough in the south west.

But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for this creative, who acquired a traumatic brain injury after an accident five years ago. In this episode, Chanel talks to host Em Herbert about using her work to advocate for others living with disability.

Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.