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We tell stories of rural and regional women. Latest issue is out now.





Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.


Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.




The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


Life on the land Episodes

Life on the Land with Nikki Atkinson
Jul 8, 2024 SEASON 16 EPISODE 2 42 MIN

Life on the Land with Nikki Atkinson

We celebrate the winners of the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award in this special series of Graziher’s Life on the Land podcast.

In this episode you’ll meet Nikki Atkinson, the 2024 Victorian winner who is asking brides across Australia to say ‘yes to the wool dress’.

The fashion designer is blazing a trail in the world of bridal couture with her Horrocks Vale Collections — a stunning bridal range made in Australia with super-fine Merino wool. Nikki lives on a sheep property, southwest of Port Augusta in South Australia, where she runs fine Merino wool sheep with her husband, Dallas.

The AgriFutures award shines a spotlight on some of the most inspirational, courageous, innovative and hardworking women in the business, and celebrates all that rural Australia has to offer. This award recognises women having a positive impact in rural industries, businesses and communities and inspires the next generation of female leaders across all aspects of regional, rural and remote Australia.

Hosted by Emily Herbert. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Mandy Walker
Jul 1, 2024 SEASON 16 EPISODE 1 27 MIN

Life on the Land with Mandy Walker

We celebrate the winners of the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award in this special series of Graziher’s Life on the Land podcast.

In this episode you’ll meet Mandy Walker, the 2024 Western Australian winner, who is supporting regional businesses to diversify and flourish.

Mandy co-owns Walkers Diesel Services in Wongan Hills, a town 185 kilometres northeast of Perth. She’s a passionate advocate for family business in regional areas and has developed a game-changing business model for other engineering enterprises in the Wheatbelt.

The AgriFutures award shines a spotlight on some of the most inspirational, courageous, innovative and hardworking women in the business, and celebrates all that rural Australia has to offer. This award recognises women having a positive impact in rural industries, businesses and communities and inspires the next generation of female leaders across all aspects of regional, rural and remote Australia.

Hosted by Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Leila McDougall
Jun 3, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 6 42 MIN

Life on the Land with Leila McDougall

Leila McDougall… There’s not a lot she hasn’t done. In her own words, she’s had “a very elaborate career path”. Fashion designer, school teacher, showgirl and now filmmaker; the latter, possibly her greatest role yet.

Just a Farmer is an independent film, set in rural Victoria, that explores “generational trauma, love, loss and the undeniable resilience of a farming community in the face of tragedy”. It’s a must-watch: a difficult watch at times, but brilliant none the less.

Growing up on a property in Walcha, in the New England area of New South Wales, Leila was driven to not only produce but also to star in the film by her own experiences with mental health. Despite having no prior experience, she is incredible in the starring role and beautifully depicts the challenges of rural life.

This episode is brought to you thanks to the support of Hunter Valley Wine & Tourism Association.

Hosted by Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Steph Trethewey
May 27, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 5 42 MIN

Life on the Land with Steph Trethewey

Steph Trethewey is no stranger to Graziher’s Life on the Land subscribers. The accomplished journalist was named AgriFutures Rural Woman of the Year in 2022 and was also crowned the 2024 Tasmanian of the Year.

Her online community, Motherland, has been a tremendous support for hundreds of Australian women and she’s told countless stories on her popular podcast of the same name.

Following her recent involvement on a panel discussion at Graziher’s Up Early event at Beef 2024, Steph talks about how life has changed since these successes.

Hosted by Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Julie McDonald
May 20, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 4 23 MIN

Life on the Land with Julie McDonald

A leader of the Australian beef industry, Julie McDonald is wonderfully down to earth and wildly intelligent. She is the CFO of one of the country’s largest privately owned beef enterprises, McDonald Holdings, and is a brilliant advocate, encouraging the next generation to excel in the agricultural industry.

In this episode, she tells Sammie O’Brien what makes her tick, her hopes for her four daughters and what she thinks the future looks like for the beef industry.

Hosted by Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Alison Lester
May 13, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 3 41 MIN

Life on the Land with Alison Lester

Alison Lester’s books are well known to Australian children, making her a household name right across the country. Not only are her timeless tales eagerly awaited as bedtime stories, her words and illustrations are woven into the fabric of so many families’ lives.

She’s the cherished author whose books, such as ‘Magic Beach’ and ‘Kissed by the Moon’, filled our childhoods and now adorn the bookshelves of our children, evoking waves of nostalgia for our own youthful days.

Originally from a picturesque property near Foster in Victoria’s South Gippsland region, where undulating hills converge with a vast expanse of the sea, Alison now calls Nar Nar Goon North home. She, her husband and their horses revel in the serenity of their sprawling 10-acre property.

Hosted by Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Tracey Hayes
May 6, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 2 37 MIN

Life on the Land with Tracey Hayes

Tracey Hayes is an esteemed leader of the beef industry. A mother of four sons (sixth-generation Northern Territorians), Tracey is also the chair of the Federation Board of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and owns a successful small business. She was the first female CEO of the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association and a driving force behind the watershed class action against the Federal Government’s 2011 live export ban to Indonesia.

In today’s conversation, we pick Tracey’s incredible brain for business advice and her thoughts on mentors, female board representation, superannuation for women who are parenting and the inroads to entering a professional career at ANY time of life.

Hosted by Emily Herbert. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land with Jessica Bidgood
Apr 29, 2024 SEASON 15 EPISODE 1 46 MIN

Life on the Land with Jessica Bidgood

Jessica Bidgood is a cattle producer from Baralaba in Central Queensland. In this episode, host Emily Herbert talks to Jess about her sense of purpose, both in business and family life. The Bidgoods background and trade up to 1500 head of cattle across their three properties – with a major focus on regenerative practices and time-controlled grazing. She has so much knowledge to share in this truly invaluable episode.

Hosted by Emily Herbert. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Victoria’s Pick – Lori Pensini
Feb 12, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 6 37 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Victoria’s Pick – Lori Pensini

In the final epsiode of our Summer Series, Graziher’s editor Victoria Carey couldn’t resist revisiting Lori Pensini’s story.

The artwork of the Western Australian artist was featured on the cover of our October/November edition – a first for the publication and a very exciting milestone. Lori’s heart belongs to the Western Australian bush.

From her Perth upbringing to following her new husband to the isolated expanse of a Kimberly cattle station and now championing regenerative farming in the state’s south, Lori’s devotion to the Australian landscape and it’s people is gorgeously depicted in her art. Her connection to the land runs deep, shaping not only her art, but also the very lens through which she views the world.

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Jayne’s Pick – Wendy Henning
Feb 5, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 5 37 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Jayne’s Pick – Wendy Henning

Graziher’s podcast producer Jayne Cuddihy found Wendy Henning’s mantra has stayed with her since the interview first aired.

In a world where being busy is a badge of honour – Wendy’s mantra is that if it’s important, then you’ll make time. Wendy and her husband Andrew own and manage a cattle and mixed cropping business at Merchison Park, near Glenmorgan, Queensland. In Wendy’s own words, they are ‘in the middle of everywhere, but not quite anywhere. Two hours to Gundy, two hours to Roma, two hours to Dalby and an hour and ¾ to St George.

With four daughters now having flown the coop, Wendy is busier than ever. As a long-term passionate advocate for education, Wendy has spent years with the ICPA (or Isolated Children’s Parents Association), dedicated to ensuring every child, regardless of how they learn, is able to receive a quality education. Wendy was recently elected as President of the Queensland State Council, meaning the balance of business, volunteer roles and travelling time to see her girls just got even more intense!