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We tell stories of rural and regional women. Latest issue is out now.





Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.


Life on the Land is Graziher’s first podcast that tells the stories of rural and regional women across Australia. Each episode explores how events in the guest’s life — tragedy, loss, mental health, domestic violence, bush fire, relocation, childhood — have shaped the individuals they are today.

Hosted by Emily Herbert and Sammie O’Brien. Produced by Jayne Cuddihy.




The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


The Farm Diaries is regular column in Graziher magazine, written by Maggie MacKellar  In the beginning, it was an extract from Maggie’s farm journal kept during a lambing season in Tasmania during the 2018/2019 drought. Now, it’s an account of the coming together of human and animal life on the farm.

We are bringing Maggie’s words to life in Graziher’s second podcast, The Farm Diaries.


Life on the land Episodes

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Sammie’s Pick – Camille McClymont
Jan 29, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 4 50 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Sammie’s Pick – Camille McClymont

Graziher’s Sammie O’Brien was completely enraptured when she heard Camille McClymont’s story. While her life in Western Australia’s Kimberly region is well reflected in her Instagram posts, ( @thecattlemans_daughter); the red dust, the blazing sunsets and the days of mustering, it was the candid insight behind the lens that stayed with Sammie.

In this episode Camille gives an insight into life managing 10,000 head of cattle spread across 122,000 hectares, during some of the most extreme weather Mother Nature has thrown at them in recent history. She also gives a heart wrenching, yet deeply insightful look into her idyllic childhood preceding a series of devastating twists of fate in her early teens that marked the beginning of a life-threatening eating disorder.

This is a story about family, commitment, love and most of all, a truly wonderous sense of belonging.

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Claire’s Pick – Melinda O’Donoghue
Jan 22, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 3 51 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Claire’s Pick – Melinda O’Donoghue

The story of outback dressmaker Melinda O’Donoghue more than captured the imagination of Graziher Founder Claire Dunne.

Melinda is often compared to ‘Cinderella’s fairy godmother’. Known as The Outback Wedding Dressmaker, she’s made close to 300 wedding dresses for country and city brides around the nation — and even some overseas!

Melinda is a classically trained seamstress, working alongside the likes of well-known designer Alex Perry in Sydney. Melinda and her husband, Des, now live on a property in Gurley, just over 30 kilometres south of Moree, in New South Wales. This is Melinda’s story of the trials and tribulations of living on the land, coupled with the magic she brings to brides across Australia.

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Sally’s Pick – Kim Storey
Jan 13, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 2 27 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Sally’s Pick – Kim Storey

Graziher’s Sally Jackson was riveted by the story of rural photographer and farmer Kim Storey.

In November 2022, Kim was preparing for a flood, but what she, and her neighbours didn’t know, was that it was a one in 5000-year event. In a matter of hours, Kim went from calmly preparing her property by taking her motorbike and dog next door, to a frantic helicopter evacuation while raging waters lapped at her door.

This is the story of how Kim, and her nearby town Eugowra; a small rural community in the Lachlan Valley of central west NSW weathered an extreme weather event and came out the other side.

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Amie’s Pick – Sophie Elliot
Jan 6, 2024 SEASON 14 EPISODE 1 34 MIN

Life on the Land | Summer Series – Amie’s Pick – Sophie Elliot

Graziher’s Amie Shann revisits the amazing tale of Sophie Elliott in the first episode of our Life on the Land Summer Series.

Sophie’s story is a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit and stands as a poignant reminder that even in the face of formidable challenges, happiness can be found again.

A born and bred western Queensland girl, Sophie was working at The Blue Heeler Pub in Kynuna in her early twenties. It was here, that her life would change forever. This is a love story, entwined with tragedy, and a new beginning.

Life on the Land with Steph Schmidt
Dec 18, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 6 38 MIN

Life on the Land with Steph Schmidt

Mental health in the bush has long been a topic of conversation, and it seems we are becoming more aware of the particular challenges of the idea, but are things changing quickly enough and is enough being done in rural Australia to help those most at risk?

Originally from the city of Adelaide in South Australia, Steph Schmidt has become a brilliant advocate for changing the narrative and redefining the picture of farming mental health. After overcoming her own setbacks when she moved to the country back in 2011.

Life on the Land with Fiona Simson
Dec 11, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 5 49 MIN

Life on the Land with Fiona Simson

Fiona Simson has become a household name in Australia, not least because of her role as the first ever female president of the National Farmers Federation, but for passion and grace while serving in the role. Fiona has orchestrated remarkable positive transformations for the Australian agricultural sector.

Originally from a property just outside of Armadale in New South Wales, Fiona met her fourth generation husband Ed in Sydney, before settling at Gunnedah. The fertile black soil of the Liverpool Plains is where they raised their two children, Tom and Jemima, and continue to farm alongside Tom and his young family.

Fiona’s grounded in affable nature positions her seamlessly as an industry leader, allowing young women around the country to envision a viable career in rural Australia and the agricultural realm.

Life on the Land with Avelina Tarrago
Dec 4, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 4 35 MIN

Life on the Land with Avelina Tarrago

There’s not a lot that Avelina Tarrago isn’t a strong advocate for. As one of only two female indigenous barristers in Queensland, Avelina has forged an impressive professional path in conjunction with strong social and cultural commitments.

In this episode, Avelina, a passionate Wangkamadla Traditional Owner speaks about the barriers for other members of her community to follow in her footsteps, her passion for Bush Heritage and the need for more frank, open conversations about fertility and birth in indigenous communities.

Prior to being called to the bar in 2017, Avelina was a federal prosecutor with a Commonwealth director of public prosecutions.

Life on the Land with Dalene Wray
Nov 27, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 3 43 MIN

Life on the Land with Dalene Wray

Dalene Wray grew up in the small outback town of Birdsville, in far western Queensland, host of the famous Birdsville races and the Big Red Bash.

With an idyllic childhood as one of six children in one of Australia’s most remote yet well-known areas, Dalene was soon curious about the wider world.

Starting her career as a radiographer in regional Australian hospitals and then in the United Kingdom, Dalene is now at the helm of Australia’s oldest exporter of organic beef- OBE Organic.

With a deep passion for people as well as delicious beef, Dalene drives innovative and progressive company policies and considers influencing government policy a necessity.

Life on the Land with Kendall Whyte
Nov 20, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 2 34 MIN

Life on the Land with Kendall Whyte

Chances are, if you’re living in, or driving through regional and remote parts of Australia, you may have seen a blue tree in a paddock and wondered about it. That tree is one of over a thousand dotted across the countryside.

The Blue Tree Project is a mental health charity that flourished from a grass roots movement in regional Western Australia. Kendall is the brains behind the initiative, which came from the tragic and unexpected loss of her brother Jayden to suicide in 2018.

Hailing from small country town of Mukinbudin in the Central Wheatbelt in Western Australia, Kendall has achieved a lot in the space of rural mental health in the last four years and was crowed the 2022 WA Young Australian of the Year.

Life on the Land with Lori Pensini
Nov 13, 2023 SEASON 13 EPISODE 1 37 MIN

Life on the Land with Lori Pensini

Lori Pensini’s heart belongs to the Western Australian bush. From her Perth upbringing to following her new husband to the isolated expanse of a Kimberly cattle station and now championing regenerative farming in the State’s south- Lori’s devotion to the Australian landscape and it’s people is gorgeously depicted in her art. Her connection to the land runs deep, shaping not only her art, but also the very lens through which she views the world.

You may recognise Lori’s name from the cover of Graziher issue 35. It was our first ever illustrated cover, and we couldn’t have been more thrilled to have her work showcased in our magazine.