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She's a busy woman, but not too busy to answer our nosiest questions...
Passionate about the cattle game, Lee and her husband, Tim, are determined to give their three children a life on the land. In the magazine article, she talks us through their strategy for acquiring property, which includes leasing and honing in on their market niche. Lee is an incredibly driven woman who’s worked hard to achieve all that she has. Her idea of a weekend wind-down is mustering cattle on one of the family’s small properties. Still, we managed to pin her down to talk about the really important stuff: investment buys, lazy dinners and “sneaky savvy Bs”. Here’s what she had to say…
First things first: tell us about yourself in three words.
Outgoing, passionate, determined.
You drive an incredible 70,000 kilometres each year visiting clients for Rabobank. What do you listen to when you’re on the road?
Lots of things! I’ll listen to any type of music (I love a bit of car karaoke) and a variety of podcasts – everything from crime stories to Hamish & Andy.
What’s the last book you finished?
Red River Road by Anna Downes.
Tell us about a moment that changed your life.
The day I realised I can do anything if I put my mind to it. If you want it — get it!
What’s the best thing about Roma?
It’s home.
What are you excited for in 2025?
My eldest son is graduating Year 12. It comes with much excitement but also some sadness — where did all those years go? I am excited to see what lies ahead for his future. It’s his turn to get what he wants.
What do you worry about?
Oh, the usual things when you have a farm: money and droughts! Also, whether I’m giving the kids the best opportunities in life.
What’s one business/money tip every woman should know?
Know your budget and make sure you always have some funds for those unexpected things that come up — oh, and buy that dress!
The face of the Graziher x Rabobank 2025 diary moved back to her family farm to help her father after she completed her university studies.
What’s your most recent splurge buy?
A bottle of Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle. There’s nothing better than someone telling you that you smell nice.
What are your three favourite online shopping sites?
I’m not much of an online shopper. I prefer to see what I’m buying.
What do you have in your bag right now?
Everything! The girls at work call me Mum — I’m always ready for whatever they need.
What’s your go-to for a lazy dinner?
Chicken Kiev and veggies, chucked together and thrown in the oven. Whilst they’re cooking, I might have a sneaky savvy B.
To finish, tell us about something that inspires you.
One of my old bosses, who has sadly passed, had some wild sayings. They inspired me, telling me that anything is possible if you have a go. My favourite one of his was: ‘There is plenty of time to sleep when you are dead, and you are dead a long time.’ It always works when I’m feeling a bit tired but really want to get something done.
Cattle producer and Rabobank area manager Lee White appears alongside other unsung rural heroines in Graziher’s 2025 Women of the Land diary. Produced in association with Rabobank, this beautiful hardcover diary features important country events and space for all your goals and to do lists. To receive a free copy (valued at $49.99), subscribe here. Already a subscriber? Diaries can be purchased separately here.
We also asked them whether they were worried about having enough super when they retire.
The couple tied the knot at the Charleville Racecourse.
Start now and you’ll have this simple butter cake in the oven in 15 minutes — we promise! It’s an adapted recipe from Sophie Hansen’s treasure of a cookbook, In Good Company.